Elevate Care For Military & Civilian Patients

Serious researcher discussing work with her colleague

Federal | Healthcare Solutions

Leverage clinical, operational and financial systems to improve your patient experience.

As more technology is integrated into traditionally IT-lite environments, providers are faced with complex challenges, including low adoption rates and tolerance for change. 

We help providers streamline processes to elevate quality of care, providing value to patients, providers and public health officials alike.

Our Capabilities​

Electronic Health Record Services
Clinical & Medical Services & Staffing
Medical Device (MD) Lifecycle Management
Medical Logistics
Human Performance & Human Centered Design

Medical Devices Maintained & Repaired
200000 +

Annual Outpatient Clinical Pharmacy Savings to the Department of Defense
$ Million+

Supported Worldwide With Tri-Service Testing

“The vendor is very responsive and communicates well. The healthcare workers have provided significant value to the service provide. As a result, the vendor is given an Exceptional rating.”

Our Clients

Success Stories

U.S. Department of Defense Military Treatment Facility

ProSource360 provided guidance to Military Treatment Facility (MTF) pharmacies on pharmacy shared-service initiatives, including brand-to-generic conversions, contract compliance, formulary, retail to MTF/mail, and drug take back. As a result, the Department of Defense FY16 savings exceeded target by over $180M, and $200M above target for FY17 (USAF share roughly 33%, or over $60M).

U.S. Air Force

ProSource360 oversaw a complete rewrite of the pharmacy section of Air Force Instruction 44-102, Medical Care Management, including improved guidance for controlled substance inventory, medication for deployers, emergency contraception, and purchase of national contract / best-priced pharmaceuticals. Over $30M in documented annual savings to the DoD and corrected USAF Audit Agency repeat findings from past audits.

Contact​ Us

Send us a message and a member from our team will be in touch. Thank you for your interest in ProSource360.
Where did you hear about us?

1215 17th Street NW
4th Floor
Washington, DC 20036

Additional Office location:
3748 North Dents Run Road
Morgantown, WV, 26501





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